I had the good fortune of finding a gorgeous picture of the battery in Charleston, SC by Bill Read (at
www.flickr.com/photos/billread) and the even better fortune of his allowing me to use it. Thanks so much Bill!

This is a study. Once I get it the way I want it, I'll do a big painting. Love the splashes in this one! I think I'll work on the pallete of the battery though : ) Hey, since I like contests and giving away free stuff, send me ideas for titles of the final painting. If I use your title, I'll send you a free print! You can leave a comment here, on
Facebook, email me, or air drop it at my house (last option expensive, not recommended)

"1st Study of Charleston and Dolphins"
5.5" x 10.5"

If you'd like to purchase this original, or buy a print, just click on one of the pictures.