Wednesday, December 31, 2008


This is my niece. I couldn't resist painting this picture of her!

Another Penny Painting

These might not make me rich, but these little paintings are SO satisfying! Click to see it on eBay : )

Penny Painting

Another little goody - a penny painting with free shipping! Click on it to see it on eBay.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

For Siamese Cat Lovers...

Here's my special treat of the week for my siamese cat lovers - Click on the picture to see it on eBay!

Catitudes - New Friendship Cards

Friends are so precious to me, and I love this quote by Emily Dickinson - "Friends are my estate". It is featured on my newest card, along with my painting "Snuggle" Click on the picture to buy it from my store.

This card features my painting "Slumber" and Emmerson's quote "A friend may well be reckoned the masterpiece of Nature." Click on the image to buy it in my store.

This card features my watercolor painting "Siamese Play" and Emmerson's quote "It is one of the blessings of old friends that you can be stupid with them." Click on the picture to buy it in my store.

This card features my painting "Happy Pair" and the quote "What is a friend? A single soul in two bodies" by Aristotle. Click on the picture to buy cards in my store.

This card features my painting "Tuckered Two" and the quote by Abraham Lincoln "What is a friend? A single soul in two bodies." Click on the picture to purchase it.

New Commissions...

I've been crazy busy with Christmas commissions - here are most of them...
If you click on the picture you'll see a larger image.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

For Orange Tabby Cat Lovers...

Here's my special treat of the week for my tabby cat lovers! Click on the picture to see it on eBay!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Thoughts about art

One of the scariest things about creating art I think is the fact that you're sharing a little bit of yourself with your viewer. An artwork, I believe, reveals a part of the artist's soul. I think it's so important for the artist to be honest, and paint what their heart calls them to paint. That is the artist's sacrifice, to open the soul to others, even if it's scary. This, for me at least, is ultimately done to provide comfort, connection and peace to the patron of the artwork.

So much can be accomplished through art. The viewer may gain a sense of comfort when they realize they are not the only one to experience what that artist has portrayed. Perhaps the art will stimulate a thought or an inspiration, which will drive the viewer to a deeper exploration and questioning of currently held habits of thinking and existing. It may or may not bring about change, but at least bring the viewer out of their comfortable line of thinking, to "try on" a new vision, without having to "buy it" if you will.

I think one of the most beautiful things art can express is the Devine in the every day. It is often easy to see the divine in great things, but it's so important to slow down and find the Devine in simple moments. After all, a savior was born in a manger; monks find bliss meditating on their breathing. I truly believe that some of our most sacred moments occur in the quiet solitude of humble moments such as these: listening to a cat purr, a cricket chirp, our very inhalations and exhalations. I hope my art expresses some of these sentiments to the viewer.

Friday, December 19, 2008


I'm going to start a new line of greeting cards...Catitudes! They will feature my art and pithy sayings of well known people. Click on the picture to see the cards in my store...
"It was such a lovely day I though it was a pity to get up." William Somerset Maugham 1874-1965

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

We have a clear winner - Cathy R and her very relaxed kitty got 30+ votes! I'll be painting this kitty and also the winner of the random drawing is christenx1. Congratulations winners! I have to take a breather and get caught up with all my painting projects, but we'll have another poll the first week of January! (Or sooner if I get done with all my commissions : )

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Poll results are in, we have winners!

The results are in...and it's a TIE! I guess that means I'll paint two paintings.

The owners of both these GORGEOUS pictures will get first dibs at buying the painting AND a free print from

Pant Pant. I still haven't finished the dog from the last one. But I will! (I'm a determined little artist)

I think this will be the last poll until January 6th, so be uploading those photos to either the yahoo group at or the facebook group at

The next poll you need to be uploading for is any cat other than a siamese. As my groups are getting HUGE, not everyone that uploads a picture will get into the vote. Just the ten best, so practice those photography skills!!

And now for the fun part...

The WINNER of the random drawing is Yahoo Group Member Vanassa

(Both facebook and yahoo members were included in the drawing if they have been active in the last month in my groups)

Let's Vote!
By clicking the dot ABOVE the picture you like, you will vote for it! Click ON the pic to see a larger version.

Which should be the next painting?

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Good luck everyone!!!

Thursday, December 04, 2008

New Painting "Matriarch"

Here's the latest! Click to view on eBay!

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Join my Groups!

Win free stuff by joining my groups:

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

New Poll

OK - so you can't have it all. I like this poll because you can see the picture and cast your vote, and you don't have to jump around websites. The only thing I don't like about it is that I can't see who voted, so I can't do a random drawing of voters! But hey, at least it still involves all my members by using your pictures!! If anyone has a better idea of how to do this DO tell! Of course, if your photo wins, I will paint it and give you a free print, plus you'll have first dibs at buying the painting!

Which picture should be Rachel's next painting?

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