Tuesday, September 29, 2009

And the winner is...

Congratulations to the winner, Playful Kitten! You'll win a free print and first dibs at the original painting. For the rest of you, your pictures were gorgeous and I wish I could paint all of them! Keep posting your pictures in my group, and we'll have another contest next month!

Here is one of the paintings I've been working on. It's Lake Murray, with Martin Island in the distance. Every summer thousands of Martins come there to roost, providing a fine evening spectacle every night for boaters.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Vote now in the new poll!!

Finally I think I've caught up enough to start a new poll. I've got several paintings that are ALMOST done that I will share soon. Until then, vote in the poll, and invite your friends to do so as well! The winning photo will be painted by me and the owner will get a free print, with first dibs at the original. If you want to enter my next photo contest, put your photos on my facebook group here.

Good luck everyone!!!

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Monday, September 21, 2009

Sweet little Siamese watercolor painting

I just finished another little watercolor painting of three siamese cats. The prints and original are available here and here.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

More painting ideas...

Thinking of maybe doing some watercolor paintings of flowers. I just took these pictures of a flower I found while out walking...

Thursday, September 10, 2009

The makings of a painting...

I want to do a painting of Lake Murray, so I was rummaging through my pictures last night. Nothing seemed to work, so the final image I'll work with is the blend of 5 pictures you see here...

This is Lake Murray in South Carolina at Bomb Island. In the summer, thousands of Martins come to roost here at night. As the sun goes down, it's quite the spectacle; the birds circle the island in ever descending circles until they finally settle in. It's like a hurricane of birds and is beautiful to behold.

Sunday, September 06, 2009

Another winner of the random drawing...

Congratulations Jane C! You won a free goody for wishlisting me on Trazzler. It's not too late for more people to wishlist me, just click on this link and wishlist my story, "Lolling on the Yulong", and I'll be doing another random drawing in a couple days : )

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

And the winner is...

Carolyn in TN - post a comment here and let me know your addy so I can send you your goody! If you didn't win tonight, don't despair, there's another drawing Friday night! Read below to see how to enter! And remember, if you find 5 people to vote for me, I'll send you a print of your choice from http://stores.ebay.com/rachels-studio

Thanks to you all, I'm number 9. Let's go for #1!!!

First you go here...

You can sign in with Facebook or create a Trazzler account. Once you do that, go here...

Under the picture click on the green button that says "add to wishlist"

Once you wishlist me, you'll automatically be added to the random drawing I do every 3 nights for a free goody.