Giraffe Art - A New Original Watercolor Painting!

This is a painting of a giraffe that lives at the amazing Giraffe Manor in Nairobi. Thank you so much to Eric Isaac at for his gorgeous picture. I hope some day I can visit Giraffe Manor and live among these gorgeous animals for a day!

"Curious Giraffe"
3" x 5"
Click painting to inquire

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

New Foxhunting Art - an original watercolor

I just finished this one tonight. Although it's small, I spent HOURS on the little hounds - I got such a kick out of all of them! Thank you so much to David Baker at for allowing me to use his gorgeous photo!
"Heading Out"
3.5" x 5.5"
Click painting to inquire

Monday, July 26, 2010

Charleston Battery Art - a new Watercolor Painting

I had the good fortune of finding a gorgeous picture of the battery in Charleston, SC by Bill Read (at and the even better fortune of his allowing me to use it. Thanks so much Bill!

This is a study. Once I get it the way I want it, I'll do a big painting. Love the splashes in this one! I think I'll work on the pallete of the battery though : ) Hey, since I like contests and giving away free stuff, send me ideas for titles of the final painting. If I use your title, I'll send you a free print! You can leave a comment here, on Facebook, email me, or air drop it at my house (last option expensive, not recommended)

"1st Study of Charleston and Dolphins"
5.5" x 10.5"

If you'd like to purchase this original, or buy a print, just click on one of the pictures.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

More Miniature Watercolor Paintings...

I painted more minis yesterday - these are so darling on a mantle, stairs, desks - I love them! They would be really cute in doll houses too. Even Sadie is impressed : )

Click on each image to inquire.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Thursday, July 22, 2010

New Mini Paintings

I've been doing mini paintings and have become SO addicted to them. Then I found these cute easels that are about 3 inches high that are just perfect. These little watercolors are done on extra heavy watercolor paper so they stand up by themselves. Even Sadie is impressed!

This is another non-winning entry but completely irresistible!

This painting is of Eva's kitty. She was in one of the contests and didn't win, but I still couldn't resist painting her gorgeous cat. I'll post these on www.rachelsstudio soon, but if you're interested in one, just drop me a note!

New Poll - Vote!

I hate that I haven't gotten any painting done lately - I've been moving! But I'll be darned if I skip too many polls, and there are SO many darling pictures to choose from. Voting will be open for 24 hours and then I will end the poll. The winner gets their picture painted and a free print of the original. To enter the next contest, enter pictures on my Facebook group, Flickr group, or Yahoo group!

What should's next painting be?

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Friday, July 09, 2010

Congratulations to Maggie the Pomeranian!!

Congratulations Maggie - your darling photo won. You will receive a free print of your painting. To participate in the next contest, go to Facebook or Yahoo and upload your pictures! Please note that it is allowed to use social networking to get votes and you can vote once a day. The next contest I may just keep the poll open for 24 hours as the ability to vote more than once gets a bit out of hand.

Monday, July 05, 2010

New Poll - Vote!

I know there are a lot of pictures to choose from, but it was SO hard to choose what to put in and what not to. I'm really sorry if your photo didn't get in; it's not because I didn't adore it!! There are just so many great pictures this time around.
Have fun voting : )

What should's June painting be?

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If you'd like to enter the next photo contest, enter on Facebook, Flickr, or my Yahoo group

Sunday, July 04, 2010

Art of the Penn MaryDel Foxhound - an original painting

"Penn MaryDel Foxhounds"
11" x 14"
Click here to inquire

These are Penn MaryDel Foxhounds with the Camden (South Carolina) Hunt club. They are gorgeous, muscular dogs that have a very professional demeanor - they were all business the day I met them. This is a painting of the dogs in the kennel that got left behind. They were intently listening to the hounds in the field. Another talented artist, Karen Storay, also trains horses and invited me to come and take pictures. Thank you Karen!