Friday, July 07, 2006

Back from Hawaii!

I'm back from Hawaii, and had a wonderful time. I met a lot of interesting people, which always happens when one travels alone. One was an artist who lived in the hostel I stayed in. He was amazingly talented, and had a notebook filled with drawings. They reminded me of Leonardo da Vinci's notebooks; they had everything from architecture plans to landscapes to studies of the human body. Here he is...

He even looks a little like Leonardo might, sans the Hawaiin shorts!!

I also visited my brother in San Jose. We went on a wonderful hike, then had dinner in San Francisco.

My mother and brother hiking among redwoods

I've always loved trees, especially climbing them! This one is a gorgeous redwood.


Then later we had dinner in San Francisco at Pier 39, where we had a wonderful view of the Bay

and a perfect spot to spy on tourists!

That's my brother taking a picture.

On the way home I took some pictures of the scenery below.

My next painting...

These were some cows I met in Hawaii. They were very curious, and I had about fifty of them quietly staring at me like this for 15 minutes straight!


and the one I finished yesterday...

"Planning the Menu"

This took me all day to complete!

~ Today's Quote ~

"Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss it you will land among the stars."
~ Les Brown


~ Today's Cool Site ~

This is a video of Patches the Horse - he loves to joyride!



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