Thursday, July 13, 2006


Rachel's Studio members, let's have some fun! The first person who emails me with the misspelled word in TODAY'S blog gets a free print of their choice. The rest who respond with the correct answer will get $5 off their next order. Just be sure to remind me.

I've updated my Cafepress store, so take a peek. I have a bunch of 16 x 20 posters available now that you may enjoy.

I also made a t-shirt for myself. Click on it to see a larger version.


Here's a little painting I finished last night. Click for Ebay.

~ Work in Progress ~

I worked on another commission today - his name is Inky.

This is called the first wash. I lay in the lightest colors first.

One of many muses - Her tongue matches my toes!

More about pinting...

Complimentary colors are an important concept to understand for an artist. A complimentary color is the opposite of another color. For example, red is the complimentary color of green. Why? Because red is the one primary color not contained in green, which is made of yellow and blue. Complimentary colors are important for an artist to understand because a color can be made to look brighter when placed near its complimentary color. I used red highlights in this painting to make the cat's eyes appear brighter.


~ Site of the Day ~

Visit me website at

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