Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Click on each painting to see it on eBay

When life gets crazy, I often escape into abstracts. I love to let the paint and water flow, with no definite plan, and let serendipity be the guide for how a painting evolves. There are always wonderful surprises!

Sometimes life brings the unexpected. This painting explores the balance between chaos and calm, and the challenge to slow down, take a deep breath, and find beauty even when the world seems to be swirling too fast around you.

I created this work from a photo I took in the Great Smoky National Forest. I love the sense of calm walking in the woods imparts, and I hope this painting brings you that same peace.

And of course, what is more soothing than a purring feline?

1 comment:

  1. What beautiful work. Thanks for sharing your art.
