Sunday, October 19, 2008

New Giclee

I am offering a new Giclée, and 10% of the proceeds will go to Angel Acres Horse Haven Rescue! Click the image to view it on eBay.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

The Christmas cards are ready! They are available exclusively through Siamese Rescue at

Done! Click on the painting to see it on eBay

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Shoe Art

I can BARELY stand with my paintings on them!!! If you have any special requests I can make shoes with ANY of my paintings on them. How cool is that??? Just email me if you'd like a pair. They are $65 plus $10 shipping.

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Two Originals done - phew!

I love how the eyes came out on this one - it's done! Click to see the print.

Can a cat look any more blissful? I just put this print on eBay. Click the picture to view it there.

Seems like it took forever to finish this, but it's finally done. It's going to my friend Karin in Switzerland, as payment for our hotel in Italy. The print is available, just click on the image!

Sunday, October 05, 2008

Doesn't look like much aye? This is my first wash. I put frisket to protect the whiskers and a few highlights, and then painted around the light parts. Before the first wash was dry, I spritzed a few drops of water to add texture. View the photograph below to see where I'm going with this one.

Although this is just a study for a larger painting, I'm taking my time and trying to figure out the problems before I tackle the large painting. Hmmmm, how to make that dark wall have more texture.

I like how the eyes are coming out on this one : )

I'd say that bad spot is pretty well on its way out! (See post below)

Some paintings fight you, and some just flow. This one is just flowing. This is only the second day I've worked on this and it already looks great! I'll hopefully finish this one this week.

New Christmas ornament - click on the ornament to buy from Rachel's Studio!

A lot goes into a painting before any paint goes on the paper. The picture below needs some adjustments. For example, the kitty's leg is hanging straight down. Straight lines are boring and make a painting seem rigid. It would add a lot more movement to slant that leg a bit more. Also, I wanted to change the eyes. As is, I feel the cat's glazed stare is a bit disconcerting for what I'm trying to accomplish. I want this painting to convey humor but also the comfort of the kitty despite the awkward spot he's decided to nap on. So I stuck some different eyes on, one half closed, as if this kitty is having a hard time staying awake.

Thank you, goenetix on flickr for letting me use your pic!!!

Aaaaaaaaah, better. I think now I'm ready to paint : )

Saturday, October 04, 2008

Sadie is famous!

Sadie got picked as picture of the week on's cat blog.

Celebratory painting coming soon ; )

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Two New Originals Available!

I created these paintings for the Siamese Rescue. They are going to use the pictures for this year's Christmas cards. Give to a good cause and buy Christmas cards from them! They aren't on the site yet but are coming soon.

Click on the images to view the originals. I also have prints available.

Looks a lot better with eyes!

This one looks less scary than the other night, see below. Still not finished!!

This one is 3/4 done I think

This is a commission

I started this sheepdog last night.

This one has been hiding in my closet, so I'm finally getting around to finishing it. Can I salvage that left side? Stay tuned ; )