Sunday, October 05, 2008

Doesn't look like much aye? This is my first wash. I put frisket to protect the whiskers and a few highlights, and then painted around the light parts. Before the first wash was dry, I spritzed a few drops of water to add texture. View the photograph below to see where I'm going with this one.

Although this is just a study for a larger painting, I'm taking my time and trying to figure out the problems before I tackle the large painting. Hmmmm, how to make that dark wall have more texture.

I like how the eyes are coming out on this one : )

I'd say that bad spot is pretty well on its way out! (See post below)

Some paintings fight you, and some just flow. This one is just flowing. This is only the second day I've worked on this and it already looks great! I'll hopefully finish this one this week.

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