Sunday, November 30, 2008

Tinkering with polls...

Hello all - I'm tinkering with my poll process because I want to streamline it. I've been doing my polls through yahoo, but that's a pain because it's cumbersome to people to sign up there, look at photos on blogger, then go to yahoo to vote. I could do polls here on blogger but they don't allow me to collect the names of the voters, so there is no way to do a random drawing. I'm thinking that I may move my polls to facebook. There, I can create a poll with just the pictures, so you don't have to go back and forth from yahoo to blogger. I've started a group there and I think that may be an easier place to house my group. Join me on my facebook group at ...

Take a test poll at

Be sure to watch for my next poll, which I plan to launch Tuesday! I'm going to send invitations to all the people that have participated in the poll to join facebook so watch for that!

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