Tuesday, January 13, 2009

And the winner is...

"Two Maine Coons" has won! I'll be painting this darling photo for my Facebook Watercolor Workshop group. The owner of the photo will get a print of the completed painting and first dibs at the original. Congratulations!

I must also give kudos to "Thoughtful Kitty". She came in with a very strong second. This poll was a record; over 600 votes!!! Also, the winners of the random drawing for the people who follow my two blogs are Vanassa and Gilmergirl. I know who you are Vanassa, but Gilmergirl, you're going to have to help me out!

To participate in the next poll add your photos to either my Yahoo group or my Facebook group.

Here we go! I'll run this poll until I get caught up on all my painting. I'm closer than you might think ; )

What should the next www.rachelsstudio.blogspot.com painting be?

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