Friday, January 30, 2009

Getting Caught Up...

Slowly but surely, I'm getting caught up on the winners of the painting contest! Here's the latest...

"Lila's Zinnia"
8" x 10"

I did this painting on Yupo Paper because I wanted to force myself to be a little bit looser.
is a synthetic paper that feels a bit like plastic, or glossy paper. Paint slide all over it!

I'm going to make cards with this painting - Click on the picture if you'd like a set! I have a set of 10 in my store, but if you want 5 or a mix of different cards I can do that too.

I want you to know that when I add links to dickblick, I get a small commission. I want to make it easy for my artist readers to find exactly what I use, so I would do this even if I didn't get a commission. If this offends you, just don't use my links! However, I hope that for those of you who want to try out some of the products I like, it makes it easier to access exactly what I use! I never post links to things I don't use myself. (Unless I just slobber over them and would use them if I just had the money to do so ; ) If you want to learn how to do this on your blog, I would be more than happy to share with you how to do it.


  1. This painting is amazing, Rachel! I LOVE the colors in it!

  2. Thanks Lauren - it was a fun one to do : )

  3. Very nice, Rachel. Vibrant colors artfully administered. A perfect eye-opening accompaniment to my morning coffee.

  4. Thanks James! It was really fun to paint this one on the Yupo paper.

  5. Beautiful zinnias, Rachel! Congratulations!

  6. Thanks Theresa - Your work is wonderful too!

  7. Anonymous11:05 AM

    Gorgeous!! Great job, Rachel :)

  8. Rachel, I just came across your blog and discovered your website... Your work is outstanding. Love the colors in the zinnia's. You are in my blogroll so I wont miss any of your work.


  9. Thank you so much Georgia!

  10. Your work is amazing!

    I would be interested to know how to earn commissions from links posted. I must admit, I've never heard of dickblicks, but I giggled a bit when I first read it...

    You can email me at or post in the comment section and I'll check back.

    Thanks :)

  11. Hi Rachel! This is so vibrant and gorgeous! I recieved my print today and I LOVE IT! Thank you so much. I wrote a thank you on my blog too! {HUGS}

  12. Michelle -
    I'm so glad you like the print!!

  13. Thanks Tao - you are such a supportive and wonderful fiance : )
