Friday, January 16, 2009

I AM painting, believe it or not

This isn't EVERYTHING I'm working on, but most of it is here. How do I do all this and work 9-5 (I'm a school social worker, which I LOVE)? I get up at 5:45 and do my morning pages (an exercise from "The Artist's Way") and paint and blog. I should probably cut something out but I love doing all of it - I can't stop!

This is one of the contest winners. I think it's a love bird? It's 90% done! I just think I need to add some shadows to the breast a bit more to make the bright spots pop out a bit more.

This is another contest winner. I painted it on Yupo paper to keep it loose. (A synthetic paper that has a slippery surface). Flowers can get really tight, and one of my New Year's resolutions is to loosen up!

Below is also a contest winner. I love this picture, such a happy cat!

Here's the latest contest winner - I'm using a lot of bright colors with this one. This is at the very beginning stages of the first wash. I used mask to keep the whiskers white.

This is a commission I'm doing. A very scary landscape. I really want to do great landscapes, but I'm not very confident about my landscape skills! This painting is about half done. It's making me sweat, um, I mean perspire : )

This is a painting I did for a trade for some Christmas presents. It's almost done and is just in the fine tweaking stage.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:58 AM

    I cannot wait to see the final result of my "Two Maine Coons" ...
