Tuesday, January 27, 2009

New Painting - San Francisco Victorian

I've finished another fun little painting - did a lot of spattering and bright colors for this one. I'm getting braver! Click on the image to see a larger picture. Inquiries welcome for the original piece.

"San Francisco Victorian"
10" x 8"


  1. Now I really like this one. There are many good submissions on this DSFDF project, but yours stimulates the taste buds on my art palette. It is light and airy, colorful and cheery. Kinda reminds me of Leroy Neiman style. Nice going.

  2. I absolutely love this! Wish I could paint like this! Anxious to see more.

  3. This is really great. Love your use of colour and the splashes are great!

  4. I really love your watercolor painting! It is so fresh and colorful.

  5. I think you did a wonderful job of making the house look "alive", not so static. I'm with Nancy in saying that I wish I could have thought to paint it like that.

  6. COOL 5 comments woohoo! I'm so easily entertained and made happy : ) Thank you so much for your comments. It may make you feel better to know this is my SECOND attempt. I'm going to post my first attempt as soon as I'm done writing this. It just goes to show that a little perseverance and determination pay off!

  7. Great piece, It's very lively and fun, quite attractive rendition of DSFDF.

  8. Love the painting! I am tempted to redo mine but decided to wait to see all the submissions. Everyone inspires me as I tend to "paint what I see" and get caught up in detail but you have a great sense of color. Love how you focused on just one part. Thank you for your comment. It helps keep me motivated. Honor
