Tuesday, February 17, 2009

New Painting of Columbia, SC

I've been wanting to do a painting of my home town, and here it is! A special thank you for the wonderful photo to Ga Girl on Flickr for the gorgeous picture.

Click the image to view the Original


  1. This is an amazing pictures you did a fabulous job on it. Love the flair in the trees and sky.

  2. You are truly an incredible artist!

  3. It came out so good! I love the colors!

  4. Thank you so much Dominique, Liz and Lauren! I was happy with the results but I really want to try this painting again in watercolor and see what it looks like to lose some edges with the sides of the buildings and just play with it.

  5. Absolutely beautiful.
    Love the bold colors.

  6. Thanks GrayC and Judy! I had fun playing the bright reds against the complimentary grey purple of the sky : )

  7. Hi Rachel,
    Passed by and saw the Driving Horse,
    that is a great painting, as is all of your Paintings - Great style and talent.
    Happy brushing.

  8. Thank you Peter! I enjoyed your blog, you paint beautifully!

  9. Wow...this is more of an eye-opener than my coffee. Absolutely fantasterrific.

  10. I used to live there and saw this view every day I drove to work. I miss the wide Assembly St. and all the University buildings. It really is a beautiful little city and you did a great job painting it.

  11. What a beautiful creation. This is where I want to be right now. The colors are so comforting, and even through I've never been there before, there's a sense of familiarity. Love it.

  12. Rachel...you should create notecards from this! I would buy them in bulk!
