Tuesday, February 03, 2009

New Winner!!

OK - come heck or high water we WILL have a poll next week - I'm as caught up as I'll ever be! The winner of this week's random drawing is JennB. I need you to contact me with your info so I can mail you your free goody.

If anyone wants to be eligible for this random drawing I do each Tuesday, just click on 'follow this blog' to the right of your screen.

Next week's poll will be a collection of several pictures I think would make good paintings, and I'll let my members make the final choice by voting. The winner will get a print of the painting, and first dibs at buying the original. So upload your best photos here or here if you want to participate in the poll!

The winner for the current poll will also be announced next Tuesday. If you haven't voted yet, go here and vote!

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