Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Erica Lea, you won!

I've been crazy busy doing commissions and wedding stuff. I just bought my plane tickets for my honeymoon tonight - I'm so excited. China or Bust!!! We're flying into Beijing and out of Hong Kong.

I want to stay in a place like this...

There are tons of little traditional homes (theses old neighborhoods are called Hutongs) throughout the old parts of Beijing that have been converted to little B&Bs. They are disappearing - in its race to compete with the 'modern' world, these hutongs are being destroyed and replaced by slick high rises.

Here's another place I want to see in China...

I've been listening to my "How to Speak Mandarin" mp3s on my Garmin GPS (how do people live without these gadgets by the way??) So now I can say ni hao with the best of them! (Hello = nee how)

And now for the best part - the Tuesday night winner!!! It's number 42, Erica Lea. Be sure to send me your name, address, and what kind of art of mine you like! If you didn't win this week, but would like a chance to, be sure to click "follow this blog' at the top right!


  1. Have a marvelous time in China, one of my most poignant memories of china is standing on the Great Wall and really internalizing I was on the Wall and half way around the world. Honor

  2. Whoa! I am so excited for you! You are going to have so much fun!We have to have another "picture party" when you come back!

  3. Thanks Honor and Lauren - I'm sure I'll take 100s of pictures and probably drive Tao crazy ; )
