Sunday, May 03, 2009

Aiken Road Trip

I'm always itching to travel, but since I'm saving up for the big honeymoon, smaller trips have to suffice for now. My fiance and I drove an hour over to Aiken, SC with no plans and even NO GPS (long story). This is SO my kind of place! All the street signs have horses on them! A true equine community, Aiken has tons of horse farms and horse events. I've wanted to see a polo match forever and it just so happened one was starting right as we finished eating at a very yummy hole-in-the-wall Cuban restaurant.

But now for the real stars of the show...

Must paint, Must paint...Click on the picture so you can read my notes about why I MUST paint this (or one like it)


  1. The nice chest and arms under the beautiful neck is nice too. : )

  2. Yes, can you believe that is a woman, she had amazing horsewoman arms!!!

  3. I can't wait to see these paintings!!

  4. Thanks Lauren - It will probably be waaaaaaaaaay after the wedding!!!
