Monday, July 27, 2009

Winner of the Poll

It seems like eons since I've had a poll winner and I miss it - I love the interaction with new people I meet on the net, and I love the pictures I find through the poll!!! So this will be my next painting. Congratulations to Tanya D, her picture won the poll!!! I just love the colors in this beautiful parrot - I can't wait to get started.

If you want to enter my next photo contest, upload your photos to my Yahoo group or my Facebook group.


  1. It's so good to have you back!

  2. Beautiful! well deserved and many congrats to the winner. : )

  3. Neat Parrot, Rachel. Should be fun to paint.

  4. I'm so glad Polly won the poll (sorry couldn't resist). Looking forward to the painting Rachel.

  5. So good to be back! I've been working on the parrot and he'll hopefully be done next week!

  6. Tanya4:55 AM

    I am so made up about this photo winning the poll. A huge thankyou to everyone who voted. I've just seen the finished painting and it looks just beautiful. Rachel, you are a truly talented artist.
