Saturday, August 29, 2009

New Watercolor Paintings - Siamese Cat and Horse plus low carb cake : )

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Here is the parrot painting I've been working on, or is it a Macaw? Someone on Facebook mentioned it looked like a Macaw.

Align CenterI just started working on this new horse portrait tonight.

Hopefully I'll be done with this siamese cat painting by the middle of next week and it can go to its new home!

Today was my mom's birthday so I didn't get much painting done. But I did make this cake...

My mom and I are both hypoglycemic, so this is a low carb cake made with soy protein, egg protein and stevia for sweetener (and other stuff). The frosting is sugar free, made with butter, cream cheese and stevia. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!! Happy Birthday Momba!

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