Sunday, December 20, 2009

Donations for Needy Children

Hello all - I'm sorry I haven't been around - I've been putting all my energy into the Christmas for needy families for my 'other' job : ) Thanks to the VERY generous donations of you, my patrons, who donated over $600, we had some very tearful thank-yous at Christmas pick up yesterday. For those of you who helped and offered prayers, thank you so much! It really made a difference for families. For those of you who would like to donate to help my needy families through out the year, click on the donate button at the upper right hand corner of this blog. Those who donate will have their name put in for a drawing for a painting. For each incremement of $5, your name will be entered. So, if you donate $15, your name will be entered three times, and you'll have a higher chance of winning! After $500 has been raised, I'll do a drawing. Families often come to me because their lights are about to be turned out, or perhaps a single mother has no clothes to interview in (a problem I have now), or they can't afford gas money for their basic needs. (Many of my families live miles away from town). The largest victims of poverty are the innocent children, and it's such an honor to be able to help!

And now for the winner of the last poll...Congratulations Melissa!

If you would like to enter the next poll - post your photos on my yahoo group or my Facebook group. The next poll will start in January after I've had a chance to catch up on my paintings! Thanks to some VERY generous donations, I have several paintings I owe donors!

1 comment:

  1. Kudos to you for taking time out to help others this season. Now, may you have a safe and joyous Christmas and stop by for some holiday cheer..
