Saturday, December 26, 2009

Just finished a watercolor painting of a Mau Cat

It's so great having the time off to devote to my art - here's one I finished this morning...

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Thank you for the Christmas donations!

Thanks to the generous donations of Rachel's Studio patrons, who raised over $700, needy children had a great Christmas! Here is the room where I sorted all the presents. Thank you to all who helped.

The families I serve through the schools as a school social worker have needs all year long. If you would like to donate, I've placed a paypal button at the upper right corner of my blog. For every increment of $5 you donate, you will be entered in a drawing for a commissioned painting. When I raise $500, I'll have the drawing. Thank you for your generous donations and prayers!

"Boxer Baby" done!

I'm enjoying my time off - it means time to paint some art! I finished this painting this morning. This is a boxer puppy dog that was featured in my recent photo contest. Although he didn't win, I couldn't resist painting him. Can you blame me?

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Donations for Needy Children

Hello all - I'm sorry I haven't been around - I've been putting all my energy into the Christmas for needy families for my 'other' job : ) Thanks to the VERY generous donations of you, my patrons, who donated over $600, we had some very tearful thank-yous at Christmas pick up yesterday. For those of you who helped and offered prayers, thank you so much! It really made a difference for families. For those of you who would like to donate to help my needy families through out the year, click on the donate button at the upper right hand corner of this blog. Those who donate will have their name put in for a drawing for a painting. For each incremement of $5, your name will be entered. So, if you donate $15, your name will be entered three times, and you'll have a higher chance of winning! After $500 has been raised, I'll do a drawing. Families often come to me because their lights are about to be turned out, or perhaps a single mother has no clothes to interview in (a problem I have now), or they can't afford gas money for their basic needs. (Many of my families live miles away from town). The largest victims of poverty are the innocent children, and it's such an honor to be able to help!

And now for the winner of the last poll...Congratulations Melissa!

If you would like to enter the next poll - post your photos on my yahoo group or my Facebook group. The next poll will start in January after I've had a chance to catch up on my paintings! Thanks to some VERY generous donations, I have several paintings I owe donors!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

New Painting "Siamese Bouquet"

Here's the painting for one of the recent poll winners...

Click Here to see it on Etsy

If you would like me to paint one of your photos, get them uploaded to the Facebook group in time for the next poll, which will probably be in about a week. I'm inundated with commissions right now!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Help Rachel's kids, get art!

As some of you may know, I am a school social worker. Every year, I organize Christmas donations for needy children. I will spare you their tear-jerking stories, but know that these are children I personally know, who have real needs. This year, I have not been able to cover 22 children. So I am reaching out to my online community. If you would like to donate, please click on the donate button on the upper right hand corner that says "donate". If you don't want to use paypal, I welcome checks. Just email me to coordinate this. Even if you can donate only a dollar, that would help enormously! Anyone who donates over $30 will get a print. Anyone who donates over $100 will get an original of their choosing done custom by me. 100% of the proceeds will go to the needy children I serve in my schools. If you are unable to give, I appreciate your thoughts and prayers, as I believe in the power of those. Please do not feel guilty if you are unable to give for whatever reason. Each of us have a purpose, and if your heart and ability combine to motivate you to help, do so with gladness. Thank you!!!

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Vote for Rachel's next Painting

Congratulations Laura - your gorgeous dog won! I'll be painting your dog and will send you a free print when it's done. You'll also have first dibs on the original.

Now it's time to vote on the next set of gorgeous pictures members uploaded to either Yahoo or Facebook. If you want me to paint one of your pictures, submit it to Yahoo or Facebook. I'll have another contest in mid December.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Vacation = More Painting!

I work in a school and that leaves me little time to paint, so I've taken full advantage of my three days off. I finished a commission and worked on several others...

Jody's Commission is done!

These two are from my photo contest. I couldn't resist painting both of these!

I also joined a gym today and about passed out from my free initial personal trainer consultation. Being an artist does not go well with staying in shape!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

I've started painting..

I was so excited about some of the poll entries that I've already gotten started...

Rachel will paint a siamese cat next!

Congratulations Julia, your photo won! You will get a free print of your picture and first dibs at the original.

Everyone get their pictures submitted to my facebook group for a chance to win in the upcoming December poll! Please no copywrited photos and please only add 5 photos per contest. I often paint more than one of the pictures featured in the poll because I just can't resist, so please don't enter your photos if you would not want me to use your photo as a subject.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

99 cent auctions

I just listed several 99 cent auctions for some holiday shopping fun!

Choose My Next Painting!

What should be Rachel's next painting?

View Results
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Llama Painting...

11 x 14"

This is a watercolor painting of a llama I met at Riverbanks Zoo in Columbia, SC. Don't those eyes just draw you in?

Sunday, November 15, 2009

"Sweet Dreams" - New Painting

Here's my latest little piece - "Sweet Dreams"

It's 8 x 10" This is a painting of my friend Karin's kitties. Her beautiful photos have been featured several times on webshots - check out all her gorgeous cats!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

I was featured in a blog...

Thank you Celine for featuring me in your wonderful siamese cat blog

I'm sorry I haven't been around too much - this recession has made my work crazy. I'm a social worker in a school and it keeps me busy to say the least! I love my work, but I love my art too, so I'll be posting new things soon. I have finished several paintings and had a show, and all my work was very well received. Here are two more of the paintings I finished for the show...

The originals will be available exclusively on, when I get around to having time to put them on there : ) Can anyone relate??

Sunday, November 08, 2009

Christmas Goodies now available

These two images will soon be available through Siamese Rescue for this year's Christmas cards. The originals are here and here, exclusively only on!

These three images are available as Christmas cards through

I also have all sorts of cool goodies that would make great Christmas gifts at If you don't see what you want, just ask me. I can put almost any of my prints on anything!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Come meet me!

November 6th I'm having a show at Village Artists Gallery in Columbia SC. It will be from 6-8 pm and there will be food, wine and great art. I'm unveiling several new paintings that night, so I hope you can come visit. I'd love to meet you!

As a special thank you to my patrons, I'm offering the following original for $1. I appreciate all the wonderful people I've worked with and I hope you know I love all of you!

Click on the picture to bid - right now it's only $1!!!

Here's the latest painting. It was a winner in my Facebook Photo Contest. If you'd like to enter your photo to win, please upload it here.

Click on the photo to buy a print. To inquire about the original please email me at r1achel at yahoo dot com. That's a one after the r.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

More framed art...

Here is a painting I just finished. It's about 40" x 18" and I've entitled it "Curious Cows II"

The original is available exclusively through my online gallery.

I'm having so much fun seeing how my art looks framed on, I have to share! Here's another one...