Monday, April 19, 2010

New Landscape Forest Painting and story about Karin

Thank you to my friend Karin, who graciously lets me use her amazing pictures.

Thanks to Karin, I always have great things to paint, besides the gorgeous pics I get from my Facebook fans. I met Karin when I discovered her darling pictures of her kitties on I emailed her to ask permission to use her pictures, and we struck up a friendship. She lives in Switzerland and speaks five languages! I'm obsessed with travel, so of course, I was very impressed. Pluse, I've always wanted to see the Swiss Alps. When I told her I wanted to come visit her in Switzerland, she suggested we take a trip to Costa Rica instead. May be a little impulsive, but hey, I'm an artist! Two summers after that I finally got to meet her kitties in Zurich, Switzerland, that I've painted so many times. We also visited Rome and Florence. The kitties were still the highlight of the trip ; )

Here is a picture of her kitty holding me down...

I still can't believe I was there. But I was, here's proof...

and I WILL be back!

But, back to my painting...
I'm going to put this in McKissick Museum's annual gala fundraiser. I've been working on it for months, but I think it's finally done. Here's how it'll look framed...


Thank you, Karin, for adding so much to my life!


  1. what a beautiful painting and great friendship story..

  2. What a lovely story and so nice to meet new friends from across the globe! And an absolutely awesome painting Rachel. Love your watercolours.

  3. Thank you Kay and Liz - my art has kept me entertained in more ways than one!

  4. Gorgeous as always, Rachel! P.S. The next time you head to Europe, can I come along??

  5. I love the way you captured the sunlight filtering through the woods. Beautiful! And what a great story about how you met your friend. Cool.

  6. Oh wow! What an honour to be mentioned in your blog! I love your forest painting. I will soon be back to the same forest for Spring photos, so more work for you ;-) And by the way - there's still one member of the cat family you haven't met yet, Carlos. And he loves to pose for pictures... As for the mountains, you haven't seen much yet! Next time we'll change that. You are always most welcome to visit :-) Our airport has reopened today and most of Europe has been reconnected to the world, so don't let that volcano stop you :-)

  7. rachel,

    beautiful landscape...
    the light coming through is fantastic...

    went through the entire blog, which is interesting...


  8. A wonderful watercolor! Nicely done.

  9. what I would give to make a painting that totally takes your breath away as this one did for me... someday in my far future- I have dream of painting something this beautiful

  10. I wanna go to Europe and Costa Rica!

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  13. I'm pretty sure this is taboo in blog-culture, but I used these magnificent paintings in my most recent post! I googled "forest painting" and among them all this stood out without a doubt. So thank you!
    Objection and I will delete it:]
