Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Thank you for the donations!

Thank you for all the donations! The drawing will be Friday night to find out who won the original. Your photo does not have to be in the poll to win! I'll end the poll tomorrow night. For every $5 you or a referred friend donates, your name will be put in the drawing. So if you've donated, then you get another friend to donate, you'll get your name put in again for each $5 they donate! Or if you haven't donated, but you get a friend to, your name goes in. You can donate through paypal on

Proceeds will benefit the at-risk students I serve as a school social worker. I'm trying to start a therapeutic horseback riding group for girls at risk of dropping out. So far I've raised $150! I'm hoping to raise over $1000. I'd love to get my certification in providing this kind of therapy so I can continue to provide it in the years to come!

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