Saturday, August 21, 2010

Zebra Painting and more wildlife!

I miss painting for a whole days, but I must admit I love my day job too (school social worker). I've gone back to work full time, as you can tell by my scanty blog posts. Here's the latest...

"Zebra x 2"
15" x 20"
Click Here to Inquire
Thank you to Giovanni at for letting me use his gorgeous picture!!

"Flamingo Mini"
2" x 2.5"
Click here to Inquire
Thank you so much to Matt for his photo.
Visit him at


  1. Both are absolutely gorgeous, Rachel. It's great that you enjoy your job, too. My advice to those job-seeking is to seek out something you have a passion for and enjoy first. Makes life so much better. :)

  2. Thanks Carol and Kim! One thing about work, I have to enjoy it, or I am not at my best!

  3. Ah Rachel, two beautiful paintings and I especially love the zebras - they do, after all, live in my part of the world. You captured their colouring perfectly.

  4. Those zebras are anything but plain black and white! Gorgous stuff! :)

  5. I love painting Zebras. I never did a watercolor though. You did a fantastic job.

  6. Amazing Amazing. Simply amazing !!

  7. Hey Rachel. just found your blig and really enjoy looking at you work - it's beautiful! Have a fab weekend!
