Monday, November 15, 2010

Christmas Shoes!

I had someone special order these shoes from me...

Cute aye? I made them with my painting "First Snow".

Friday, November 12, 2010

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Commission Done!

For the final phase of the painting, I took a light wash of blue paint and washed it over the entire lower third of the painting to tie his jeans to the background grass and to soften this areas as it's not the center of interest. I also darkened the grass under the subject to anchor the painting and give it more depth.

Sunday, November 07, 2010

"Myrtle Beach Tees" watercolor painting

When I lived near Myrtle Beach I used to love to go take pictures of the night life. I worked on this little painting for four years. Sometimes paintings are like good wine, they need to sit. This painting has a lot of thought put into it. I was trying to capture that neon glow that is the essence of Myrtle Beach night life!

"Myrtle Beach Tees"
8" x 10"
Click here for purchase information

Saturday, November 06, 2010

New Watercolor Painting - Tortoise Shell Cat

"On the Fence"
10" x 8"
Click here for purchase info

I just finished this one; it's from a picture I took over the summer while doing a show in Pine Mountain, Georgia. Thanks Babs, for letting me visit your gorgeous farm! Both the original and prints are available.