Sunday, November 07, 2010

"Myrtle Beach Tees" watercolor painting

When I lived near Myrtle Beach I used to love to go take pictures of the night life. I worked on this little painting for four years. Sometimes paintings are like good wine, they need to sit. This painting has a lot of thought put into it. I was trying to capture that neon glow that is the essence of Myrtle Beach night life!

"Myrtle Beach Tees"
8" x 10"
Click here for purchase information


Carol Blackburn said...

Very nicely done, Rachel. Thumbs up!

Lauren Maurer said...

I LOVE this! So perfectly captured the neon-ness that is the beach!

Melody Lea Lamb said...

Truly delightful piece, Rachel! Thank you for sharing it with us. said...

Thanks everyone! It's been a long time coming!