Sunday, July 10, 2011

Siamese Cat Watercolor Painting

I don't know what it is about painting siamese cats, but I can't get enough! I'm sure it's those incredible eyes, which reflect their quirky personalities, intelligence, and warm heartedness. My best friend was once a siamese cat. He would lie on my chest with his purring chin on mine, and we would fall asleep that way. I remember thinking at that moment that this was the most blissful I could possibly be. I hope whomever buys this painting treasures it as a momento and celebration of all the wonderfullness that is the siamese cat!


  1. Just wonderful, such perfect color choices in this.

  2. Awesome job, Rachel. Love the eyes so much.

  3. Siamese are the best DOGS! I have 2 and never know what they are going to do next. Super Smart!
    Your style here is flawless. You captured the grace and intelligence so beautifully!

  4. Thank you all - Meezers are addictive!

  5. The best cat I ever had, or whoever had me was an apple-faced blue point Siamese. He woke our family during a house fire so we got out and caught a bat that got into my bedroom. He was my hero!

  6. Sound like a wonderful cat!

  7. Never stop painting siamese cats!
    You are so talented..
    Ha, and now I'm member of your site, I can't wait to see what you're going to paint next ;)

    I have two siamsese cats and you can find lots of photos in my blog, if you're interested, welcome :)

  8. Oh, it would be an honor, thank you :)

  9. You are so talented you really do capture their spirit, I can tell you had one! All of your cat paintings are lovely I don't think I could pick a favorite :) Someday I will have you do my Kubi & Dora, they are rascals & devils but couldn't live without them.
