Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas Commissions...

Here is what I've been working on for Christmas commissions, and why you haven't heard much from me! Between painting, keeping up with my teaching blog, and my other life as a social worker, there's a reason I haven't posted in a while.

Here's a little snippet of video about painting this sparrow.  I used this painting in my latest online "learn watercolor" blog to demonstrate my techniques.  I videoed myself painting the ENTIRE thing, along with explanations as I painted.  If you'd like to sign up for my blog, send me a message to learn how!

Unfortunately, I forgot to do a final scan of this one, but it's at the stage right before I put in the final details.  The eyes are pretty much done here though.

This little Collie puppy painting became a necklace.  Again, I forgot to take a picture of the final piece.  Drrrrrrrr, too much going on for one artist to handle!!!


  1. Rachel, I love your work and the tutorial is wonderful. Hope you are having a few moments to enjoy your holiday! Happy New Year!

  2. Amazing work, thanks for taking the time to share with us, so inspiring.

  3. Do you have a link for your learn watercolor blog!? Thanks for taking the time to share with us, love your paintings Rachel.

  4. Hi Maria -
    The Learn Watercolor blog is private for my students. It's $30 a month to join. Thank you for your kind words!

  5. Un superbe travail. J'aime votre souci du détail. Merci pour le partage de votre travail.
    Je vous renouvelle mes voeux pour 2012, afin que tout soit possible y compris le bonheur.
    Gros bisous.

  6. As always, absolutely beautiful. And great excerpt from your tutorial. And all the best for 2012.
