Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Online Watercolor Workshop

I finished my second painting for my online painting workshop:

If you're interested in taking online lessons, you can join my teaching blog for a nominal fee. There, I have posted videos of me painting and explaining two paintings in their entirety. It's $30 to join, and you will have access to videos of me teaching in the format of the video above. And I'm planning a new segment for this summer!

 You get three sessions (not three videos) to enjoy in the comfort of your own home, and at your own pace. Members may email me for critiques of their work, and ask questions about my painting process.

 Pretty good deal when you figure a normal painting class would cost well over $100, you have to get in your car at set times, you usually work through just one painting, and you don't get to watch over the teacher's shoulder for the entire painting like you do with these videos!  I hope you'll join me : )  Email me at rachel6parker at gmail dot com or message me here in the comments if you're interested.


  1. haha- no one is going to accuse you of being obsessive compulsive about keeping your colors neat and tidy after seeing that palette . . .

    Nice painting, btw.

  2. Haha, no, I'm the opposite of OC!!!

  3. Une jolie publication...
    Gros bisous

  4. I'm interested but have some questions. Can I do this at my own pace? Can I view the seasons more than once? (I'm a slow learner).

  5. HI rachel...your painting are awesome! I am interested in your lessons. Some questions thou- do u explain what types of paper and paints you use?

  6. HI rachel...your painting are awesome! I am interested in your lessons. Some questions thou- do u explain what types of paper and paints you use?
