Monday, April 01, 2013

New Forest Painting - Nature Art!

I just finished this piece - and already sold it too - I had started it over a year ago and it got lost in my other projects, and then someone emailed me asking if I had any forest paintings so I finished this one just for her    : )

What would you like me to paint next?  I'm doing a song bird right now.  Maybe more birds?  Hmmmmmmmm.  What are you working on?  Send me a comment : )


  1. Toutes mes félicitations pour cette vente.
    Je comprends que cette aquarelle ait pu séduire... En l'admirant je ressens un véritable plaisir, celui que je ressens lorsque je me promène dans la forêt et que le calme me gagne tout en entendant parfois au loin un son qui me ramène à la vie humaine...
    Une très belle lumière.
    Gros bisous

  2. love it!

    I noticed that the print is 90" x 16" … wow that's giant!!! or could that be a typo??

  3. The light you have in this painting is very atmospheric. No wonder it is sold.

  4. Haha - thank you for that catch Elizabeth!!! It's 9" not 90" Thank you for your comments Alison and Polly!!

  5. Oh wow, this is amazing, no wonder it sold immediately !
