Tuesday, February 24, 2009

New Winner - ShelleyC!

Member #53 won this week - ShelleyC! Congratulations!! Please contact me and let me know your address and I also need to know what you like (cats, dogs, horses, landscapes, flowers etc).

If you want to be eligible for a goody from me, click on 'follow this blog' in the top right area and I'll add you to the drawing next Tuesday!

I'm completely inundated with commissions right now so I'm not going to end the voting for the photo contest yet, but if you haven't, be sure to do so! If you want to enter then next photo contest, upload your photos to my Yahoo group or my Facebook group.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

New Painting of Columbia, SC

I've been wanting to do a painting of my home town, and here it is! A special thank you for the wonderful photo to Ga Girl on Flickr for the gorgeous picture.

Click the image to view the Original

Tuesday winner of random drawing...Honor!

Every Tuesday night I randomly draw someone who follows my blog. Tonight that was #8, Honor. Congratulations Honor! I need you to email me and give me your mailing addy and also please include in the email what subjects of mine that I paint you enjoy. If you would like to enter the drawing, click "Follow this Blog" on the right. There will be another winner next Tuesday!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

New Poll, Come Vote!

What should www.rachelsstudio.com paint next?

View Results
Create a Blog Poll


Every Tuesday night I randomly draw someone who follows my blog. Tonight that was #35, Cherie. Congratulations Cherie! I need you to email me and give me your mailing addy! If you would like to enter the drawing, click "Follow this Blog" on the right. There will be another winner next Tuesday!
The winner of the painting contest is "Equine Eye". Congratulations Devon!!

The new poll starts tonight. To participate in the next poll add your photos to either my Yahoo group or my Facebook group.

Sunday, February 08, 2009

Finished another Maine Coon

Here's another one I finished today.
If you'd like a print, click on the picture!

Finished two paintings...

These are two painting that I did from my monthly photo contest. They weren't the official winners but I couldn't resist painting them! As for the real winner, the two Maine Coon cats, I'm still working on it! I have been videoing the progress and you can see some of the videos on YouTube.

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

New Winner!!

OK - come heck or high water we WILL have a poll next week - I'm as caught up as I'll ever be! The winner of this week's random drawing is JennB. I need you to contact me with your info so I can mail you your free goody.

If anyone wants to be eligible for this random drawing I do each Tuesday, just click on 'follow this blog' to the right of your screen.

Next week's poll will be a collection of several pictures I think would make good paintings, and I'll let my members make the final choice by voting. The winner will get a print of the painting, and first dibs at buying the original. So upload your best photos here or here if you want to participate in the poll!

The winner for the current poll will also be announced next Tuesday. If you haven't voted yet, go here and vote!

Works in Progress and Info on Next Poll

I am working hard to get my contest winners done so we can have another poll! Of course, these are a few participants in past polls that I just couldn't resist painting. How could I? They are gorgeous!

This is a commission I'm working on.

Another poll participant I couldn't resist - I just loved the light in this, and the cat's content expression. Such a perfect Zen moment!

I think next week I'll be ready for another poll, so be uploading your pictures here or here! I think I'll just be picking pictures that I want to paint, so upload your best shots!