Sunday, January 17, 2010

Buy Art, Support Haiti!

I think we've all been awed by the images we've been seeing from Haiti. Bid on this original and 100% of the proceeds will go to the American Red Cross, the main organization working to alleviate the suffering there. Click on the painting to go to the page on eBay.


  1. A beautiful painting Rachel and I hope it raises lots of money for the American Red Cross.

    Well done on all that exciting news about magazine covers and exhibitions and everything. Your paintings deserve a hugely wide audience!

  2. It's a wonderful idea. Such a tragic, dire situation there. I did donate earlier online to several organizations...

  3. Thanks Liz and L.Holm! I was watching CNN on Haiti and it's mind boggling - I can't begin to imagine going through so much tragedy at one time.
