Saturday, January 16, 2010

"The Secret" works!

I've been visualizing a lot about my art, and it is coming to fruition BIG TIME!!!! It's partly because I just went to America's Mart in Atlanta to show my work to art directors and art-related companies, but it's other things too -

- A magazine in the Ukraine is doing a full color article on me
- "Floored II" is going to be on the cover of the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association

"Floored II"

- I'm going to be featured in an art show in Chicago by a new company I met in Atlanta
- Two new local businesses in my area will be showing my work

All this is stirring my creative juices, I don't know where to start, literally! It's all very exciting and I feel like my art is going in new and exciting directions. I'd be remiss not to mention how much Andy Mathis' blog helped me - he is a vet who paints cats and dogs, and I've learned a lot from him. Check him out!

I also appreciate the continued support of 'my kids' through your donations. Last week, a girl needed money to rent a chorus dress. If she couldn't pay for the dress, she wouldn't be able to sing in the performance. So your contributions helped a lot! If you would like to donate, there is a button at the top right hand corner of my blog. For every $5 you donate, I'll enter your name to win a commission. When I've raised $500, I'll draw a name and announce the winner!


  1. Hooray for you! You are so talented you deserve all the good stuff coming your way. Blessings in 2010.

  2. Rachel, I LOVE your artwork. My wife and I are sitting here utterly delighted by it. Your technique is superb and free. Your colors are spectacular. I think I most love the idea that you are "self-taught." This is the only way to be "taught" what you do. I do "Draw the Dog" and found you on our Facebook page. I'm so glad I did. Keep painting!

  3. Thank you joyfulartist and Jim! I love both your work too!

  4. Congratulations on your accomplishments! I love Floored II and will look for it on the Journal, since I work for a vet. Here's to positive thinking throughout the year!

  5. Thanks Mary - I hope you have a wonderful 2010 too!

  6. congratulations, Rachel. Well deserved!
    This kitty is beautiful. love it.


  8. That is fantastic! I am inspired by your art, keep creating beautiful art.

  9. Ekaterina / Lou..., KY5:04 PM

    Congratulations, Rachel, BIG TIME!! We've never met in person, but it is so visible through your art how talented and hard-working you are, and that you have a big, kind heart. You totally deserve the new wonderful venues that are opening up in front of you -- you definitely earned them! All the best wishes, Ekaterina.

  10. Thanks everyone -
    It is exciting - when you open your heart to the world, it opens its heart right back. Tragedies happen, but so do miracles! I suppose such is the balance of life.

  11. Rachel, that is too weird! I'm a vet, too - just got my JAVMA in the mail yesterday, and thought it looked like your work. Thought it was too big a coincidence..but sure enough, it's you!


  12. Thanks Dance -
    I was so excited when they said they would put me on the cover!
