Sunday, June 27, 2010

Hawaii Virtual Paintout

"Kamehameha Highway, Kaaawa Hawaii"
4" x 11"
Click here for purchase info

A few summers back I went on a trip alone to Hawaii. If you've never traveled alone, you should try it! It can be a very meditative and interesting experience. When you are by yourself, people 'adopt' you, and I was hardly ever by myself unless I wanted to be.

Anyway, this picture is actually from google maps, not from my trip, but it brings back wonderful memories. I had a couple free hours this morning and was looking on the virtual paintout website and couldn't resist this month's challenge. Here is the link on google maps if you'd like to enjoy the scenery too You will need to wait a moment to let the imagery load before you see the picture. You can then click on the yellow line to move through the map just like you would if you were driving. Click and drag to turn around. Totally addicting for armchair travelers!


  1. My gosh Rachel, I seem to have missed quite a few of your posts even though I keep checking your blog as it's one of my all time favourites! Loved the Yorky and your Rome and Hawaii paintings are so beautiful!

  2. u have a good scene
    go forward

  3. Thanks so much Liz and MP! I did this Hawaii painting on a whim yesterday morning - the deadline for virtual paintout was the end of this month. It's amazing what you can get done with a deadline looming!
