Friday, June 25, 2010

Original "A Street in Rome"

I just finished this painting last night. A few summers back I went on the most wonderful trip to Europe, and exploring the back streets of Rome was a highlight. It seems like no matter where you go, there is something old and gorgeous. On this particular street, this old cathedral glowed like gold. I tried to capture that in this painting, along with the gorgeous light on the passersby. If anyone knows what street this is, I'd LOVE to know! I was too much in a hurry to get the name of the street. (Typical)
The print, original and Giclée are available on Click on the picture to see it on my website!


  1. I absolutely love your work, and this latest is amazing.
    Excellent, and i like the detailed view. It only seems to get better cloe up!

  2. Lovely! I like the way you captured the light.

  3. YOU GO GIRL !!!
    Those figures in the foreground steal the show.

  4. Beautiful, loose technique that comes off as totally spontaneous: a pinnacle many strive for but few achieve.

  5. Thanks for stopping by my blog.
    Love this painting! I agree with all of the comments.
    My husband and I went to Europe a couple of years ago - Paris then Girona and Barcelona, Spain. I loved the architecture and took many photos. You're painting inspires me to revisit with my brush.

  6. Anonymous9:24 AM

    This is beautiful. Your capturing of the transparency of the white dress is exquisite.

  7. Thank you all! The dress was a bit serendipitous. I was going to make it less see through but then when it got to this stage, it looked really cool, so I just left it.

  8. what a beautiful acquarelle!!!
    elena from spain
