Friday, August 17, 2012

New Cat Original Art Paintings!

I've been painting a lot of cats! My latest addiction is Instagram, an app on my smart phone. There are TONS of adorable cats on there just waiting to be painted!

@kittycaster on Instagram
Click here for the print or here for the original

This is the cat of one of my eBay patrons.  His kitty was so beautiful and had such a compelling story I couldn't resist!
Click here for the original and here for the print

@lblovvorn on Instagram
Click here for the print and here for the original

I'm rachelsstudiodotcom on Instagram if you want to follow me : )


  1. Anonymous5:43 AM

    These are just so beautiful. Especially the little Siamese kitty. I'll have to go read the story. We have your two Siamese kitty's hanging on our wall and and my honey love looking at them.
    When you talk about ebay, do you do good on there? better than etsy, the same? I tried one painting but didn't know the ins and outs of ebay and getting seen. Do you have any suggestions in that direction? Just wondering
    peace n abundance,

  2. Hi CheyAnne -
    It just depends on how much energy I put into it. I think if I put more energy into Etsy, I'd sell more there, and I HAVE been focusing on putting more energy there because it's less expensive to sell there. I think just reading the forums and abundant tutorials they have on Etsy and Ebay are very helpful.

  3. Hello Rachel:) I love yourcats. Especially the one in the cardboard box. But all three of them are beautiful!

  4. Hi Rachel,

    I love the cardboard one, too.
    This is the perfect. Colour, composition and her(?)expression.
    Thank you for sharing.

  5. oh your cats are gorgeous, the last one is my favourite, but all are beautiful, I love your style, bundles of talent!

  6. Thank you so much Renate, Hani, and Sharon!

  7. You are so very talented! I just love the Siamese painting <3 and I love that you paint so many cats!!

    One day I will definitely want some of your work! huge fan!

  8. Thank you so much Shannon!!!
