Saturday, September 22, 2012

Eiffel Tower Art - A New Painting!

In the book "The Secret" a whole chapter is dedicated to the power of art and how it can bring new energy into your life. After reading this, I decided to create some paintings to bring more travel energy into my life. This is one of my first pieces in this series. I hope it brings positive energy to all who choose to live with this art!

This is available as a print, Giclée, and the original!


  1. Anonymous7:37 PM

    Bravo! Love it! Magnifique!

  2. all I can say is WOW - absolutely superb, I could look at this all day

  3. Thank you so much Sharon and Anonymous!

  4. Did you paint the tower as well? I'm making some time soon to watch your videos soon. I figure it's time to broaden my artistic horizons for mixed media. =)

  5. Wow is right. This is FABulous!!! I love the limited palette, and the perspective is so cool! I'm so impressed (AND inspired)!! Was this painted on regular watercolor paper, or did you use watercolor canvas? Excellent work!

  6. This is an amazing piece.Thank you for sharing, Rachael.

  7. I used acrylic watered waaaaaaaaay down on canvas. And yes I painted the tower : ) Thank you so much for the comments!

  8. The painting really feels like there is an aura of blue energy enveloping the tower. Great job on the painting. You sure made it look alive with that brilliant color and positive energy.
