Friday, June 14, 2013

My first day of summer = a perfect painting day!

It's official: my summer has started!  I work as a school social worker, so I have the summers off.  While I LOVE my "real" job, it's so wonderful to have a change of pace and completely focus on my art, family, and fun!  Today, I'm working on two commissions, a cat painting for a special project, editing my videos for my "Learn Watercolor" blog, planning for a trip to Hot Springs, Virginia, and playing chase with my cat.

This painting is for a special 'secret' project.  If it works out I'll share more details!!  I've been videoing the entire process.

This is for a commission.  I've videoed the entire process of painting this guy and will be putting it on my "Learn Watercolor" blog.  I've got three other paintings videoed in their entirety, complete with my explanations as I go, posted there.  If you're interested in joining, message me!

Another cat commission, newly started!

I recently complete this guy, and videoed him for my "Learn Watercolor" blog too.

Be sure to follow me on twitter to learn tons of watercolor tips, art resources, and see latest creations!

Here's one of my upcoming adventures; I'm going to the "Jefferson Pools" in Hot Springs, Virginia.  Thomas J himself took the waters here, and I will too, soon!  It looks much the same as it did in his day, and although it's not fancy, it's a fun way to experience some history.  To follow my travels more closely, come visit me on Twitter at travel4zen.