Wednesday, August 07, 2013

New "Great Tit" Painting - Watercolor Art

I just finished this "Great Tit" bird watercolor painting.  I am back working in the schools as a social worker - my summer is officially over.  So now I'll be burning the midnight oil to get my painting done. Also, my dad just had surgery AND my water heater blew a gasket and flooded my kitchen floor.  So my house is completely torn up.  And yet, I paint.  It's been a crazy July!  So much so that I took a little trip to the North Caroline mountains.  Visit my travel4zen blog to see some pics!

Click on the painting to see the listing on Etsy.  If you would like a print, click here.

Be sure to follow me at for tips on how to pick good pictures for a reference photo!

I also offer an online "Learn Watercolor" blog.  It's $30 for 3 months and it's mostly videos.  It's like watching me paint over my shoulder as I explain my process.  Message me if you're interested in joining!


  1. Lovely little bird, love your background choice too

  2. Your paintings are absolutely amazing! I wish I was artistically talented like you! :-)

  3. Thank you so much Lorraine and Shirley!
