Saturday, August 10, 2013

Aaaaaaaaaand my last days of summer

Here are the paintings I'm working on right now...

For a special project I'll let you know more about as it unfolds...

I'm on a 'painting cross-eyed siamese' tangent right now.  I think it's because there have been several upsets in my personal life lately, so it really helps to have something to laugh at.  I hope this guy makes you laugh too!

This is a commission

This is almost done I think!

Gotta have fun with an abstract once in a while.


  1. Sorry you have problems, you still made me smile though.

  2. Love your abstract, can appreciate the cats but I have a real fear of them so not on my horizon to paint.

  3. Love the cats, Rachel! I'm glad you're enjoying the last days of summer.

  4. Polly, glad I made you smile, that was my intention : ) Lorraine - thank you re the abstract. I'd love to paint more of them, they're such fun! Thank you Candy, back to work tomorrow!

  5. hi all your work as you know! hope u can add the tabby cat special project to your private blog..I'd love to try painting him/her!
