Saturday, August 16, 2014

Artsy clothes - clothes and purses with my paintings on them!

I'm so excited about putting my art on clothes and bags - I got a ton of good feedback on my facebook account. I wore my dress to work yesterday and got a lot of compliments : )

The eyes are a bit awkward, lol.  I just redesigned these with the face lower and smaller so stay tuned : )


  1. It is a great idea. It would be a good business I think.

  2. Dear Rachel - wanted to stop by and thank you for your visit to my blog. I am trying to catch up with everyone. I love your paintings on the clothes...did laugh bit when I saw the eyes on the slacks...very artsy my friend. Will stop by again soon. Have a lovely day.

  3. Hani Hani -
    Yes, I think these will make good Christmas gifts!

  4. Thanks for stopping by Debbie. Yes, can't wait to see how these look with more appropriate eye placement ; )

  5. Rachel I love your work. So much talent.Thanks for dropping by my blog. I am so glad to have found yours.
