Monday, August 11, 2014

Watercolor Painting of New York City's Museum of Natural History and more news

I haven't written in quite a while. I'm very active on Facebook - you can friend me at and also as rachelsstudiodotcom on Instagram. My travel blog is, and travel4zen on instagram.  I have lots of other accounts on twitter and pinterest, so if you search for me you'll find me!  And of course there's and my youtube channels and

Below is a painting I've been toying with over the years, and I think it's finally ready to see the light of day.  I like to play with blurred images of people in motion, and I think there is something poetic about this scene - a living human, himself ephemeral, observing taxidermy Gemsboks in New York City's Museum of Natural History.  There's all sorts of symbolism in this image, which I will allow the viewer to ascribe themselves.

I've started a new weekly schedule.  Every Sunday I list a dollar auction on eBay.  Here is the link for the painting below...

And for the nitty gritty for those of you interested...It's been a crazy week - my summer is officially over and I have started back at my 9-5 job as a school social worker.  Last week's focus was getting food out to needy families and finding resources for school supplies.  Next week will be back-to-school meetings, more meetings, and more meetings.  

With my art, I've been trying to post more on my Instagram account, which is rachelsstudiodotcom.  I'd love to see you on there!  I also have a goal of painting for a competition, so I need to figure out a good subject and decide which competition I'll enter.  I'm COMPLETELY overwhelmed with commissions, which is a good thing.  I've been sharing progress on Facebook, so friend or follow me there if you're curious.

I have some fun things coming up too.  In December, I'm attending Art Basel in Miami, something I've wanted to do for a long time.  If anyone has Miami/Art Basel tips, please do share!  I post my travel pics on Instagram at travel4zen, so I'd love to see you there too.

I'm having so much fun with these dollar auctions - and some are busts and some have been great, but I think what I like best is the behind-the-scenes interactions I have with art lovers all over the world.  So feel free to email me or say hi online : )

If you'd like to watch me paint, check out my blog at

How is your summer going?  Thank you for visiting my blog : )


  1. Lots of talent there. Thanks for dropping by my blog today.
