Thursday, December 06, 2012

New Friesian Horse Watercolor Original Painting of a Yearling

I LOVE the Friesian horse breed. I recently went to an event in Charlotte, NC called a keuring. Judges come all the way from Europe to judge the horses. They decide whether or not the horses get listed in the official Friesian registry, and it's a big deal. To judge the younger horses, they let them loose in the arena and they frolic about - it's a great photo op! This boy was showing his stuff - blissfully ignorant of the importance of the moment. Isn't he gorgeous?

I have both prints and the original available.  Click here for more info.

New Watercolor Painting of a Friesian Horse "Friesian Show"

This is the second painting I did from the Friesian Keuring that was held in Charlotte, North Carolina this year. Be sure to view my post about it that I made earlier!

This is a available as a print, giclee, and an original.  Click here to inquire or here for the original.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Watercolor Painting of a Black Cat - "Boss II"

Once in a while I have to give in to the luxury of painting my own cat. Here is the latest of the one, the only, Sadie! Isn't she cute when she crosses her legs like that? She is SO in charge.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Painting Distractions

I think I'd get a lot more painting done if it weren't for my cat ; )  The real fun starts at :30

Saturday, November 24, 2012

New Watercolor Painting of a Tabby Cat "Carlos"

This is a watercolor I did of my friend Karin's cat. I met Karin online when I contacted her to paint her beautiful Siamese kitties. Since then, I've traveled to Costa Rica and Europe with her, and even met her cats in Switzerland. She's great to travel with, since she knows FIVE languages!!!  We're hoping to go sailing in Greece next year. This is one of the many ways my art has enriched my life, through the wonderful people I meet! And isn't her cat Carlos adorable??

If you would like to purchase  this print, click here

Friday, November 23, 2012

New Figurative Watercolor Painting "Lauren and Alex"

This is a watercolor painting I did of my friend Lauren, who's also a talented artist. Alex Powers is one of my favorite watercolor artists, and he had a show in Columbia, SC. Thus the title "Lauren and Alex". What could be better, a painting celebrating two of my favorite painters!!??

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

New Original Cat Painting of a Tabby "Boots" pet portrait

This is a new watercolor painting of a tabby cat. He's another new friend I met on Instagram. There are so many gorgeous cats on Instagram I don't even know where to begin!!!

To purchase, message me or click here

I do offer pet portraits (and people too!)  Just message me.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

New Watercolor Painting of a Tabby Cat - Pet Portrait "Tabby and Friend"

Here's a painting I finished recently of a tabby cat I met on Instagram. He lives in Brunei!!!

To purchase this, message me or click here!
I paint pet portraits.  Message me if you'd like me to paint for you : )

Monday, November 19, 2012

New Watercolor Original Painting "Granada Diners"

A few years back I went on a trip to Costa Rica - my adventurous friend Karin and I decided we needed a little more excitement, so we hopped a bus to Nicaragua.  Sometimes when you take a risk the reward can be great, and this time the prize was the wonderful town of Granada - allegedly the first European settlement on the American continent.  The buildings are crumbling, the people are friendly, and the digs and grub are cheap!  This is a painting of a couple backpackers in a restaurant.  They told us their hostel was $5 a night.

To buy this painting, click here or message me!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Covering Ground - a new foxhunting art painting

This is my latest foxhunting painting.  I have the original, prints, and giclees available!  I borrowed this image from the wonderful photographer Russ Cross at who described this scene as:

"The Hunt is Quorn, in the heart of the Midlands the county of Leicestershire and is probably the best hunting grounds in the whole of the country", the country being England.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Eiffel Tower Art - A New Painting!

In the book "The Secret" a whole chapter is dedicated to the power of art and how it can bring new energy into your life. After reading this, I decided to create some paintings to bring more travel energy into my life. This is one of my first pieces in this series. I hope it brings positive energy to all who choose to live with this art!

This is available as a print, Giclée, and the original!

Friday, August 17, 2012

New Cat Original Art Paintings!

I've been painting a lot of cats! My latest addiction is Instagram, an app on my smart phone. There are TONS of adorable cats on there just waiting to be painted!

@kittycaster on Instagram
Click here for the print or here for the original

This is the cat of one of my eBay patrons.  His kitty was so beautiful and had such a compelling story I couldn't resist!
Click here for the original and here for the print

@lblovvorn on Instagram
Click here for the print and here for the original

I'm rachelsstudiodotcom on Instagram if you want to follow me : )

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Flower paintings for flags

I just finished these flower paintings that a flag company commissioned me to do. Surprisingly, I enjoyed the details of the hydrangea the most!  Art licensing is a great way for artists to make extra money.  If you're interested in learning more I'd be happy to answer questions!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Online Watercolor Lessons

Here is a sample of my online watercolor lessons...


Interested in signing up for online lessons?  Here's more info:

I have been videoing the entire process of a painting and explaining my process as I go from start to finish, just like you would see in a live class, only better, because the videos are shot so it's like you're hovering over my shoulder, instead of sitting in the back of a class room that you paid over $100 to be in. So far, I've done a demonstration of a bird and a black and white dog.  Next, I'll be posting my demonstration of the above Latvia landscape I posted in Virtual Paintout.

So for $30, you get to watch me paint 3 paintings all the way through via video!  You can go at your own pace and watch the videos on your own schedule.   Once you pay, I'll add your name to my private watercolor blog and let the fun begin!

Click the yellow "Buy Now" button to pay for your online watercolor lessons using Paypal. If you'd rather pay with a check or with a credit card payment directly to me, send me a message at rachel6parker @

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Hydrangea Watercolor Painting

Just finished this painting.  I obsess about hydrangeas; I always have some 'babies' growing from cuttings in my kitchen.  They sure are a lot of work to paint though!!

Monday, June 04, 2012

Elephant Thoughts - a watercolor painting

Here's a watercolor painting I just finished for an online contest I'm participating in. I met this guy at Riverbanks Zoo in Columbia SC.

Just a few more days, then I'll be able to paint a lot more! (School's almost out)  : )

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Online Watercolor Workshop

I finished my second painting for my online painting workshop:

If you're interested in taking online lessons, you can join my teaching blog for a nominal fee. There, I have posted videos of me painting and explaining two paintings in their entirety. It's $30 to join, and you will have access to videos of me teaching in the format of the video above. And I'm planning a new segment for this summer!

 You get three sessions (not three videos) to enjoy in the comfort of your own home, and at your own pace. Members may email me for critiques of their work, and ask questions about my painting process.

 Pretty good deal when you figure a normal painting class would cost well over $100, you have to get in your car at set times, you usually work through just one painting, and you don't get to watch over the teacher's shoulder for the entire painting like you do with these videos!  I hope you'll join me : )  Email me at rachel6parker at gmail dot com or message me here in the comments if you're interested.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Finished a new commission

Finished and in the mail. Only a few more weeks until summer and then I can focus on my art more, can't wait!!!

Saturday, April 28, 2012

New Commission

Finally had time today to work on commissions!

New Watercolor Paintings

I've been doing a lot of things other than painting unfortunately - more and more private practice counseling work, and some travel. I've missed working on my art, but hopefully I'll have more time soon, especially since summer is right around the corner.

Here are a couple commissions I finished this week...

For this painting, I filmed the WHOLE thing as a tutorial.  You can subscribe to my "Learn Watercolor" blog where I share TONS of tips on painting from the very beginning to the very end of the process.  Just email me at r1achel at yahoo dot com to get the details on subscribing.  That's a one after the r ; )

I was so pleased to sell this painting last week...

Saturday, February 04, 2012

Finished a commission...

It's been hard to find time to paint lately - I work a day job as a school social worker and also counsel clients in the evenings for private practice, which is a new thing for me.  But I had alllllllll day today just to focus on art and it was SO nice!  Here are the fruits of my labors, a commission completed : )